Saturday 17 February 2018

Why veganism is the best diet for HEALTH

Veganism is not eating anything that has meat in it or any animal product milk eggs etc. Why is this healthier?

MEAT- High cholesterol and saturated fat. You might think cholesterol raises testosterone but it doesn't according to a study where vegans have the same testosterone as meat eaters. Veganism has no cholesterol. High cholesterol or just eating meat even a little bit will most likely get you over LDL cholesterol over 75mg/dl which is where atherosclerosis starts to develop. (Atherosclerosis is clogging of your arteries) Saturated fat also can clog arteries with cholesterol less than 21g of saturated fat or less is good for health.

It can also promote cancer- All cells need cholesterol to grow we all know this and what does this mean? Well you might think well if vegans have no cholesterol through their diet they get no cell growth. This is wrong we dont get any dietary cholesterol but our body produces cholesterol but not enough to start artherosclerosis. Some cancers directly feed of cholesterol and dietary methionine  which is another point.

There are 2 types of cholesterol LDL AND HDL, LDL stands for low density lipoprotein and HDL is high density lipoprotein. HDL is the 'good' cholesterol and doesn't contribute to atherosclerosis. LDL is the bad cholesterol which causes heart disease and feeds some cancers.
''Just as some types of tumour are driven by hormones - such as certain breast cancers and prostate cancer - so the most common type of brain tumour is dependent on low-density liposome (LDL) cholesterol to thrive. ... This means that their cells become programmed to suck up LDL cholesterol, which further feeds their growth.''
Some epidemiologic studies suggest a positive association between elevated serum cholesterol level and risk for certain cancer types. Breast cancer and prostate.

''The present study examined the role of cholesterol in the regulation of tumor progression in a mouse model of mammary tumor formation. The results suggest that cholesterol accelerates and enhances tumor formation. In addition, tumors were more aggressive, and tumor angiogenesis was enhanced. Metabolism of cholesterol was also examined in this mouse model. It was observed that plasma cholesterol levels were reduced during tumor development but not prior to its initiation. These data provide new evidence for an increased utilization of cholesterol by tumors and for its role in tumor formation. Taken together, these results imply that an increase in plasma cholesterol levels accelerates the development of tumors and exacerbates their aggressiveness.''   From a study (

Saturated fat increases your LDL which then can increase your progression of atherosclerosis and some cancers. LDL cholesterol and atherosclerosis is a linear relationship. So the higher the LDL cholesterol the faster atherosclerosis develops.

''The association between fat intake and several common cancers, eg, those of the colorectum, breast, endometrium, ovary, and prostate, received its strongest support from correlation studies on populations. On an international scale, strong direct correlations were observed between fat intake and incidence or mortality from these neoplasms; several correlations were also observed on a national level and persisted after allowance for major identified covariates'' 

Now people say cholesterol has no relation to heart disease which is just purely wrong any study showing this is funded by the dairy or meat industry and is intentionally made this way.
For example in a study where they took average people and made them eat 2-4 eggs a day they didnt raise their cholesterol. Why? MOST PEOPLE eat way more cholesterol then that in a day or the same this means their cholesterol WONT LOWER AT ALL. They wont do a study where 20 vegan people start eating 5 eggs a day because their cholesterol would skyrocket. 

''Diets rich in saturated fats not only cause obesity and insulin resistance, but the increased levels of circulating free fats in the blood (non-esterified fatty acids, or NEFAs) may also cause beta cell death and may thus contribute to the progressive beta cell loss we see in type 2 diabetes.'' 

In conclusion any non vegan diet will give you a higher risk of cancer and type 2 diabetes.  and almost a 100% certanty of atherosclerosis. It can also cause a heart attack because of the atherosclerosis there will be less blood coming through with each pump and blood clots. To anyone who will argue with me and i will respond to you and please link me relevant and true studies. Its also immoral but thats a topic for another day. If you like what i do and want me to continue please support me on patreon and tell me what i should do next :)
Feedback is appreciated 

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